
The recently published book Festschrift in honor of Dr. Wolf Wolfensberger (1934-2011): The Influence of the Person and his Ideas Today (2023) has 12 chapters written by different authors. In addition, chapters five and six contain excerpts from responses of a number of other individuals whom the author asked to share their own personal thoughts, recollections, and experiences on The Syracuse University Training Institute for Human Service Planning, Leadership, and Change Agentry (TI) – 1973 to 2011), and The Training Institute’s Pennsylvania Evaluation Project [PEP]—the respective titles of the two chapters. Everyone who was asked responded, and at some length. However, as it turned out, to have included in toto all of their responses in the festschrift book itself would have significantly exceeded the allowable number of pages. At the same time, their responses were—to put it simply—too good (i.e., illuminating, powerful, personal, warmhearted and sincere) not to be made available in some way to readers of the festschrift and others. Ultimately, the editors decided to “publish” them in full on the Wolfensberger website (see below) where they can be accessed via the link to the WW Festschrift.

Subsequently, and quite independently of the process described above, other contributions were made and have been added to this collection – see below. If you are interested in posting a reminiscence, please contact