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Flynn, Robert J. (2014). Contributions of Wolf Wolfensberger to the lives of people with disabilities. In Thiel, Marie-Jo (éd.), Ethische Fragen der « Behinderung ». Ethical Challenges of Disability. Lit Verlag, 2014 (bilingual edition De/En), pages 65-86.
Kristiansen, K. and Traustadóttir, R., 2011. In memoriam: Wolf Wolfensberger (1934-2011), Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 13(2), pp.167–168. DOI:
Lemay, Raymond (2011). (Untitled eulogy on the life & work of Dr. Wolf Wolfensberger, 1934-2011). The SRV Journal, 6(1), 11-16.
Mann, Glenys & van Kraayenoord, Christa (2011). The Influence of Wolf Wolfensberger and His Ideas. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 58(3), 203-211.
O’Brien, John (2011). Celebrating The Genius of Wolf Wolfensberger. Research & Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 36(1-2), 76-79.
Steer, Michael (1994). Wolfensberger: Tales from the twilight zone. International Social Role Valorization Journal 1(1), 42-45.
Thomas, Susan (2011, December). A tribute to the work of Dr. Wolf Wolfensberger. The SRV Journal, 6(2), 8-13.
Williams, Paul (2011). A Tribue to Wolf Wolfensberger. The British Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 57(113), pp. 109-116.
Wolfensberger-Sager, Margaret. (2011). (Untitled eulogy on the life & work of Dr. Wolf Wolfensberger, 1934-2011). The SRV Journal, 6(1), 8-11.